Main: (210) 647-5128 Fax: (210) 664-2091
Main: (210) 647-5128 Fax: (210) 664-2091
We understand that situations involving your pet can sometimes be stressful and emotional. However, we kindly request that you refrain from yelling or screaming at our veterinary staff, regardless of the circumstances.
Our team is here to help, not to be hurt.
If you fail to show up for your scheduled appointment or call less than 24 hours before your appointment there will be a failed appointment fee of $45 which will be added to your account. When you do not call in advance to cancel your appointment you may be preventing another pet from getting much-needed treatment.
As a courtesy to our patients, we reserve the right to reschedule your appointment if you are late. We understand that situations arise therefore we allow up to 15 minutes of travel time as long as you call ahead of time. When you run late, then the rest of the patients scheduled after you will be waiting longer to be seen. Please be considerate and courteous to the others.
To be respectful of the medical needs of other patients, please be courteous and call our office at least 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment to cancel. Failure to do so may result in a cancellation fee of $45 that will be added to your account. Appointments are in high demand, and your early cancellation will allow another patient access to timely veterinary care.